DLG_RECYCLE Are you sure you want recycle this droid?
DLG_REPLACE There is already a droid with that name. Would you like to replace the old droid with this new one?
DLG_MISSINGPART You don't have all the parts required to reconstruct this droid! Each time you complete a Training Mission you'll receive a new part.
DLG_BUILDCARGO You are about to switch building modes from treads and wheeled droids to legged droids. The droid parts currently on the design grid will be recycled. Are you sure you want to do this?
DLG_BUILDBIPED You are about to switch building modes from legged droids to tread and wheeled droids. The droid parts currently on the design grid will be recycled. Are you sure you want to do this?
DLG_RANDOMIZE Are you sure you want to replace your droid with one built at random?
DLG_CLEAROK Are you sure you want to erase the contents of the holographic design grid?
DLG_EMPTY The design grid in the workshop is empty! Build a droid in the workshop first and then try to deploy it.
DLG_MULTIPLE The design grid in the workshop contains more than one droid! Please recycle all droids except for one.
DLG_DETACHED The design grid in the workshop contains unattached parts! Check for any remaining colored squares on the design grid. These show you where you still need to attach parts.
DLG_NOLOCO Your droid doesn't have a locomotion unit! Please add this type of part to your droid before trying to deploy it on a mission.
DLG_NOEYES Your droid doesn't have a visual sensor! Please add this type of part to your droid before trying to deploy it on a mission.
DLG_NOPOWER Your droid has no power! You must add batteries to your droid before trying to deploy it on a mission. Check the Droid Info Card to see how much power your droid can hold.
DLG_PAUSED You have paused your mission, Droid Builder. Click the "OK" button or press any key to resume.
DLG_ENTERNAME Please enter your name to start a new game, Droid Builder.
DLG_SELECTNAME Please select a name from the list of Droid Builders to load a saved game.
DLG_NONAME Please enter your name before entering the Sandcrawler, Droid Builder.
DLG_SELECTDEL Please select a name from the list of Droid Builders to be deleted.
DLG_DELETEOK Are you sure you want to delete this Droid Builder's game and saved droids?
DLG_DUPNAME There is already a Droid Builder with that name. Would you like to replace that Droid Builder's game with your own?
DLG_WORKTUT Would you like Wimateeka to show you how to use the droid building workshop?
DLG_NOTUT At this point in the full version of DroidWorks, Wimateeka can show you how to use the workshop and other major interfaces. This tutorial feature is not included in the demonstration version.
DLG_TUTCLEAROK To show you how to use the workshop, the holographic design grid must be empty. Shall Wimateeka clear it for you?
DLG_MISSIONQUIT Are you sure you want to abort this mission, Droid Builder?
DLG_INETCONNECT Are you sure you want to connect to the Internet, Droid Builder? If you select yes, DroidWorks will be minimized, and you will have to click on the DroidWorks icon in the Taskbar to return to the game.
DLG_MACINETCON Are you sure you want to connect to the Internet, Droid Builder? If you select yes, you will have to click on the small DroidWorks window to return to the game.
DLG_ASKINDEXTUT Would you like Wimateeka to show you how to use InDex?
DLG_REPLAY Would you like to attempt this mission again using the same droid?
DLG_NODIALUP InDex is unable to find your Internet connection. Please make sure that your computer is already connected to the Internet before trying to activate the InDex Internet feature.
DLG_INETLOCKOUT The Internet feature has been disabled. You are not allowed to link to the Internet.
DLG_DELETEGME You are about to delete game in progress. You will have to start a new game or load a saved game. Are you sure you want to do this?
DLG_CANTLOAD There are no saved players. Please create a new game.
DLG_NOBROWSER DroidWorks can't find your default Internet browser. Please make sure a browser is properly installed before attempting to connect to the Internet.
DLG_MACNOBSR InDex is unable to find your Internet browser. Please make sure you have one installed before trying to activate the InDex Internet feature.
DLG_MACNOMEM There is not enough memory to launch your Internet browser. If you wish to visit us on the web, direct your browser to www.lucaslearning.com.
DLG_MACNONET DroidWorks encountered an error while trying to connect to the Internet. You can connect to our web page by directing your browser to the URL shown in the ReadMe file.
DLG_MUSTNAME You have not given your droid a name. Please name your droid before attempting to save it.
DLG_DEMO This feature is not available in the demonstration version of DroidWorks.
HUD_HELP_PC KEY: FUNCTION$up: Forward$down: Back$left: Turn Left$right: Turn Right$shift: Walk$alt: Sidestep$L/A: Use Left Arm$R/S: Use Right Arm$H: Activate Head$X: Jump$spacebar: Talk to Someone$V: Look Around$E/PgUp: Look Up$C/PgDn: Look Down$D/Home: Center View$P/Pause: Pause Game
HUD_HELP_MAC KEY: FUNCTION$up: Forward$down: Back$left: Turn Left$right: Turn Right$shift: Walk$option: Sidestep$L/A: Use Left Arm$R/S: Use Right Arm$H: Activate Head$X: Jump$spacebar: Talk to Someone$V: Look Around$E/PgUp: Look Up$C/PgDn: Look Down$D/Home: Center View$P/Pause: Pause Game